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10 TED Talks on AI and Machine Learning

"How will AI reshape your career? Your health? Your ability to tell real from fake video? Recent TED talks explore some fascinating AI questions."

Kevin Casey (photo, left) put together the 10 TED videos at The Enterprisers Project.

See the web page . . .

Are Your Students Prepared to Encounter Artificial Intelligence in the Job Search Process?

Are your students prepared to encounter artificial intelligence in the job search process? A growing number of companies now use AI (artificial intelligence) for recruiting and interviewing. more in Excellence in Business Communication, 13th Edition.

Watch the short video . . .

Teach Your Business Communication Students about Intelligent Communication Technologies

Intelligent communication technologies are sweeping through business, but only one text explains how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing business communication. Get ready for the future with Excellence in Business Communication, 13th Edition.

Watch the short video . . .

Augmented Writing, Cognitive Automation, Text Mining, and Augmented Ability Apps

Augmented writing, cognitive automation, text mining, and augmented ability apps are capabilities that were once the stuff of science fiction but are becoming everyday business tools. Get your students ready with Excellence in Business Communication, 13th edition.

Watch the short video . . .

7 AI Tools to Help You Grow Your Blog

"You want to get more people to read your blog posts. More people reading means more opportunities to convert those readers into prospects. More prospects means more opportunities to sell. More sales equal happy executives, which equal happy marketers."

"Turns out, there are AI tools that can help you get more readers in several different ways. And they can help you starting right now."

Author bio – Paul Roetzer is "founder and CEO of PR 20/20 and the Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute, and the author of The Marketing Performance Blueprint."

Read the full article by Paul Roetzer (photo, left) . . .