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T and D Sounds: American Accent Training for Indian Speakers

“Why is the Indian English accent so distinct from the American English accent? In this American English pronunciation video we talk about one of the reasons why these two accents are distinct. Retroflex consonants. This pronunciation pattern impacts how you pronounce several common sounds including t, d, n and l.”

Watch the YouTube video by Keenyn Rhodes (photo, left) . . .

Why We Choke Under Pressure — and How to Avoid It

"When the pressure is on, why do we sometimes fail to live up to our potential? Cognitive scientist and Barnard College president Sian Leah Beilock [photo, left] reveals what happens in your brain and body when you choke in stressful situations, sharing psychological tools that can help you perform at your best when it matters most."

Watch the TED video . . .