Business Communication Teaching Resources gives you immediate access to the largest collection of materials for the course you will find on the web.

Top 10 Trends for Job Seekers

Are you in the market for a new job? If so, jump on your search now because the market is heating up. First time job seekers and those looking for a career boost are ripe for success. According to Glassdoor, the U.S. economy is growing, leading to noticeable effects on hiring. Here are some of …

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Meet the Robots That Read Resumes

These days, the first set of eyes on your resume may not actually be human eyes. Check out this infographic to see what applicant tracking systems are really looking for.

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38 Things You Should Never Include on Your Résumé

If you want to make it past the initial test, you need to have some solid qualifications — and the perfect résumé to highlight those qualifications.

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Encouraging Students to Apply Their Skills Now: Writing Professional-Grade Email –

Even as the universe of digital possibilities continues to expand, email remains a primary communication tool for employees in most organizations.


Chances are your students aren’t accustomed to using email in a manner that meets the expectations of the workplace, but they have multiple opportunities right now to hone their email skills. 


Encourage them to consider these tips whenever they write email messages to any of their instructors: 

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Encouraging Students to Apply Their Skills Now: Making Difficult Requests

Just as they will be on the job, most of the requests students need to make in their academic and personal lives are fairly routine and can be accomplished using the techniques for routine requests they learn in this course.

However, we all face situations from time to time where we need to make a more difficult request, such as asking an instructor for leniency, asking a landlord or a retailer for special consideration, or asking parents or a partner for help. In these situations, a more persuasive approach might be useful.


Encourage students to apply the strategies they are learning for persuasive business messages and to follow these tips as well.

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Intelligent Communication Technology: Social Listening Tools –

Every day on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms, millions of consumers and business customers rant, rave, brainstorm, offer help, and ask for help. Smart companies recognize that this global chatter is a gold mine of valuable insights, and they use social listening tools to figure out what people are saying about them and their competitors.

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Encouraging Students to Apply Their Skills Now: Five Tips for Better Listening –

Much of the business communication course focuses on improving one’s skills as a sender of messages, but successful communication requires the mindful and skillful participation of both the sender and the receiver. When we are engaged in a conversation, attending a presentation, or listening to a podcast or video, the success of the communication effort hinges on our performance as listeners.

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See Why Bovee & Thill Are the Undisputed Leaders in Technology Coverage

Bovee and Thill’s business communication textbooks continue to lead the field with unmatched coverage of communication technologies, reflecting the expectations and opportunities in today’s workplace. Texts by other authors address only a fraction of these terms.

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Courtland Bovee (@courtlandbovee) • Instagram Photos and Illustrations

Take a look at Courtland Bovee’s Instagram account with a focus on business communication, such as the custom-designed illustrations above.

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Use This Chart to Find the Textbook That Perfectly Fits Your Business Communication Course

Learn more about the leading business communication textbooks in the field.


See a Video Preview of all three Bovee & Thill business communication textbooks.


 Obtain a wealth of complimentary business communication classroom resources.


Order examination copies of Bovee & Thill textbooks.

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