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How to Understand Native Speakers Better (and Join the Fluency Challenge)

"In this video, we will discuss how to understand native speakers better (learn about intonation, reductions, dialects and how to practice and improve your listening skills). We'll also talk about how to pronounce words like: clearly, cappuccino, wonder vs. wander, how to say boss vs. buss, or words like: error, mirror, and horror."

Watch the video by Hadar (photo, left) . . .

How to Pronounce the American R Sound: American R Part 1

"In part 1 of this 3 part series on American R you will learn what to do with your tongue, lips and jaw to pronounce the R sound and we will practice the American R at the beginning of words."

Watch the YouTube video by Keenyn Rhodes . . .

How to Let Go of Becoming a “Good” Person — and Become a Better Person

"What if your attachment to being a "good" person is holding you back from actually becoming a better person? In this accessible talk, social psychologist Dolly Chugh explains the puzzling psychology of ethical behavior — like why it's hard to spot your biases and acknowledge mistakes — and shows how the path to becoming better starts with owning your mistakes. "In every other part of our lives, we give ourselves room to grow — except in this one, where it matters most," Chugh says."

Watch the TED video by Dolly Chugh (photo, left) . . .

T and D Sounds: American Accent Training for Indian Speakers

“Why is the Indian English accent so distinct from the American English accent? In this American English pronunciation video we talk about one of the reasons why these two accents are distinct. Retroflex consonants. This pronunciation pattern impacts how you pronounce several common sounds including t, d, n and l.”

Watch the YouTube video by Keenyn Rhodes (photo, left) . . .

Learn to Use Your Brain’s Delete Button, and Improve Your Learning Skills

Rich Bellis (photo, left), Associate Editor at Fast Company, presents the video on the subject.

Watch the video at . . .

An American Accent Tip to Help You Sound More Natural Today

“In this American accent quick tip lesson, you’ll learn how to sound more natural when making plans, scheduling appointments, or discussing events and even the weather! This is a tip you can learn today, practice tonight and use tomorrow!”

Watch the video by Keenyn Rhodes (photo, left) . . .

Improve Your Listening Skills with Active Listening

"Practicing "active listening" is a good way to improve your listening skills. You make a conscious effort to hear what the other person is saying, by paying close attention to them and not allowing yourself to be distracted."

Watch the video . . .

Why We Choke Under Pressure — and How to Avoid It

"When the pressure is on, why do we sometimes fail to live up to our potential? Cognitive scientist and Barnard College president Sian Leah Beilock [photo, left] reveals what happens in your brain and body when you choke in stressful situations, sharing psychological tools that can help you perform at your best when it matters most."

Watch the TED video . . .

Try These Two Smart Techniques to Help You Master Your Emotions

"By more clearly identifying our feelings or by recategorizing them, we can reduce suffering (yes!) and increase well-being, says neuroscientist Lisa Feldman Barrett."

Read the full article by Lisa Feldman Barrett (photo, left) . ...

How to Open and Close Presentations

"In this clip Mark Powell provides best practice tips for opening and closing presentations. . . ."

Watch the video . . .
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