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The 7 Secrets of the Greatest Speakers in History

". . . In this masterful talk, [Richard Greene] explains how the great speakers in history use 7 secrets and how we can all become a great speaker by following these secrets and by not just giving a "speech" but rather creating "conversations" from the heart."

Watch the video . . .

What AI Is – and Isn’t

"Educator and entrepreneur Sebastian Thrun [photo, left] wants us to use AI to free humanity of repetitive work and unleash our creativity. In an inspiring, informative conversation with TED Curator Chris Anderson, Thrun discusses the progress of deep learning, why we shouldn't fear runaway AI and how society will be better off if dull, tedious work is done with the help of machines. . . ."

Watch the TED video . . .

You Aren’t at the Mercy of Your Emotions – Your Brain Creates Them

". . . For the past 25 years, psychology professor Lisa Feldman Barrett [photo, left] has mapped facial expressions, scanned brains and analyzed hundreds of physiology studies to understand what emotions really are. She shares the results of her exhaustive research — and explains how we may have more control over our emotions than we think."

Watch the TED video . . .
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