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Try These Two Smart Techniques to Help You Master Your Emotions

"By more clearly identifying our feelings or by recategorizing them, we can reduce suffering (yes!) and increase well-being, says neuroscientist Lisa Feldman Barrett."

Read the full article by Lisa Feldman Barrett (photo, left) . ...

6 Myths about How Technology Affects You, According to a Family Psychologist

"How concerned should people be about the psychological effects of screen time? Balancing technology use with other aspects of daily life seems reasonable, but there is a lot of conflicting advice about where that balance should be. Much of the discussion — including the World Health Organization's recent decision to declare "gaming disorder" an "addictive behavior disorder"— is framed around fighting "addiction" to technology. But to me, that resembles a moral panic, giving voice to scary claims based on weak data."

Read the full article by Christopher J. Ferguson at BusinessIn...

6 Things Successful People Do Before 9 AM

"What do successful people do differently? For one thing, they typically wake up very early. Long before they hit the office, they’ve been up and active, performing tasks that will set them up for success throughout the day," writes Timothy Sykes (photo, left) in a piece at

"By waking up early, you can get an edge on the day ahead. You’ll clear your mind and schedule so that you can focus on your work, which can help you reach your goals faster. Curious about how to make the most of your morning? Here are 6 things successful people do before 9 am, and how you can incorporate them into your routine."

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The Importance of Humans in Digital Transformation

Bryan Kramer (photo, left) weighs in on the topic at

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5 Ways Technology Is Changing Workplace Communications

"While it’s easy to point to face-to-face meetings as one of the casualties of disruptive technologies, the way we communicate at work continues to undergo significant changes. And the latest innovations indicate that there’s more change on the horizon. If you blink, you could miss opportunities to help leverage technology and meet the needs of your organization. According to Adobe’s Future of Work Report, 81 percent of employees rated innovative technology as more important than perks and amenities. The 2016 survey revealed that employees in companies with state-of-the-art technology were more likely to feel creative, motivated and valued than employees working at companies with outdated technology. We rounded up 5 of the major ways technology is changing the way people in the workforce are communicating. Whether your team is all under one roof or spread out across different time zones, you may discover some new opportunities to enhance your business communications."

Read the full article by Derek Paquin (photo, left) . . .

Deep Work: The Secret to Achieving Peak Productivity

"In a world full of digital diversions, how are some people able to achieve a higher level of productivity than others? In the new book Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World, Georgetown University professor Cal Newport demonstrates how you can develop the skills necessary to focus at an optimum level and reach peak productivity. Learning how to do “deep work,” he argues, is among the most valuable skills people can learn, and carries wider implications for economic growth."

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50 Americanisms That Don’t Make Sense to Foreigners

"We asked HuffPost Facebook followers from outside the U.S. if there are any words or phrases Americans use that don’t make sense to them as non-native English speakers or as native English speakers from elsewhere in the world."

"We’ve rounded up some of their most interesting answers below. While some of these words, phrases or language customs may not be exclusive to the U.S., Americans have certainly made an impression with them."

Read the full article by Caroline Bologna (photo, left) . . .

How to Produce a Video: Overview of the Video Production Process

"Video production is the process of converting an idea or story into a video. Because video production can be extremely complex, we simplified it into three main parts: . . ."

Read the full article by Emily Girolamo (photo, left) . . .

How to Open and Close Presentations

"In this clip Mark Powell provides best practice tips for opening and closing presentations. . . ."

Watch the video . . .

Combining Quotation Marks, Question Marks, AND Commas (Whew!)

Mignon Forgarty, aka Grammar Girl, tackles the subject.

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