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Business Communication Instruction: Textbooks Show Surprising Differences

business communication instruction

A new video shows the surprising differences among textbooks authored by Courtland Bovee and John Thill, and their competitors. For example, only Bovee and Thill offer groundbreaking coverage of mobile communication. This is critical because students live in a mobile world–and they’re about to enter a workplace where mobile has gone mainstream–so any business communication course that aims to stay relevant must incorporate mobile.

Bovee and Thill also prepare students with the knowledge and skills they will be expected to have when they enter tomorrow’s workplace. The authors write the only texts that explain the new social communication model that is revolutionizing the way businesses communicate.

Courtland Bovee says, “We offer a clear, consistent, and integrated approach to teaching writing using the three­-step process.” The three-­step process is uniformly applied throughout each book and is adapted to each message form.

As someone responsible for business communication instruction,read the full article from NBC Right Now.

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Bovee and Thill: Leading Textbook Authors in Business Communication Instruction and Teaching Resources

Bovee and Thill have led the business communication instruction field for more than 30 years with innovative, high-quality textbooks that have consistently been on the leading edge. They were the first to

Textbook Support                                        

  • cover digital media
  • cover social media
  • cover mobile business communication
  • cover essential communication technologies as they went mainstream in the business world, such as email, blogs, microblogs (Twitter), data visualization, e-portfolios, infographics, text messaging, and virtual meetings
  • cover business etiquette
  • cover communication in a diverse world and recognize the importance of diversity in photographs and exhibits
  • cover developing presentations in a social media environment
  • cover enhancing presentations with slides
  • discuss and show pictures of real companies and to include a Company Index
  • write chapter-opening vignettes to help students see how real professionals use chapter concepts and skills
  • write about real companies in exercises and cases
  • include cases that involve the full range of contemporary business media, from blog posts to text messaging
  • cover digital video as a major business communication medium
  • create the name and concept for "Letters for Analysis"
  • create the name and concept for "Document Makeovers"
  • create the name and concept for “On the Job” business communication simulations
  • receive an Award for Excellence from the Textbook Authors Association for a business communication textbook

Instructor Support and Interaction

  • become active and widely known users of emerging digital media, developing hands-on experience that is reflected in their textbook content
  • have a business communication blog
  • offer a business communication news service, Business Communication Headline News, for adopters and their students
  • provide Real-Time Updates, a web-based service featuring the latest articles, videos, PowerPoints, infographics, websites, and podcasts to adopters and their students, categorized by the chapters in Bovee & Thill's textbooks
  • offer online magazines, 11 in all, each one dedicated to an important business communication topic along with a weekly newsletter of the most popular articles
  • offer a Business Communication Pictorial Gallery on Pinterest
  • have a business communication channel on YouTube
  • have a Teaching Business Communication group on LinkedIn and on Facebook (with a combined membership of over 4,300 instructors)
  • be on Twitter as business communication authors
  • offer dozens of business communication slide programs that they've created (available on SlideShare)
  • to email a video newsletter several times each semester
  • have a website that focuses on instruction, “Teaching Business Communication” and "Business Communication Teaching Resources"
  • have been recognized for their contributions to the field by the Governor of Massachusetts and the Boston Red Sox.

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then Bovee and Thill should be proud, because they’re the most imitated authors in the field. Their texts set the standard by which other textbooks in the field are judged. For outstanding business communication instruction, there simply are no other texts to be considered.

Bovee and Thill have the most extensive collection of free resources for instructors and students in the history of business communication publishing. You can see the full list at

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