Business Communication Teaching Resources gives you immediate access to the largest collection of materials for the course you will find on the web.

What If None of Your Colleagues Read Anything You Write? Here Are 8 Ways to Change That.

Long emails and dense, difficult to decipher memos mean modern office communication goes ignored more often than it’s understood.

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10 Ways to Make the Worst Impression at a Job Interview

The top 10 ways to make the worst impression at a job interview, and what to do so you don’t make a bad impression and hurt your chances of getting hired.

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A Neuroscientist Suggests One Effective Way to Manage Stage Fright

"Most of us feel scared about speaking in public, and in response, we either rehearse incessantly — or we stop doing it altogether. Neuroscientist Anwesha Banerjee has a suggestion."

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Seven Tips for Succeeding in Video Interviews

Students should prepare to be interviewed by video as they move through the job search process, and these interviews require some special consideration.


Video interviews can be conducted via Skype or similar services, video conferencing systems, or automated interviewing systems in which candidates respond to prerecorded questions.


Most of the advice outlined in Fourteen Tips for Succeeding in Phone Interviews applies to video interviews, and encourage your students to follow these additional tips:

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Fourteen Tips That Will Help Your Students Succeed in Job Interviews

As your students begin the interview process, chances are good that their initial screening interviews and at least subsequent interview will be conducted over the phone. Employers treat telephone interviews as seriously as in-person interviews, so candidates need to be ready to perform effectively in these important exchanges.


Share these fourteen tips with your students to help them prepare and to ease the stress of getting ready for phone interviews:

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Bovee & Thill’s Online Business Communication Magazines

Take a look at all 11 of Bovee & Thill’s online business communication magazines on Scoop.It. You’ll find great resources for making your teaching easier and more effective.

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Encouraging Students to Apply Their Skills Now: Writing Professional-Grade Email –

Even as the universe of digital possibilities continues to expand, email remains a primary communication tool for employees in most organizations.


Chances are your students aren’t accustomed to using email in a manner that meets the expectations of the workplace, but they have multiple opportunities right now to hone their email skills. 


Encourage them to consider these tips whenever they write email messages to any of their instructors: 

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Three Textbook Choices to Match the Diverse Needs of Today’s Business Communication Courses

Learn more about the leading business communication textbooks in the field.


Obtain a wealth of complimentary business communication classroom resources.


Order examination copies of Bovee & Thill textbooks.

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How to Stop Worrying About What Other People Think of You

If you want to be your best and perform at a high level, fear of people’s opinions may be holding you back.

"Think about a time when you were extremely anxious — say, before standing up to publicly speak, raising your hand in a big meeting, or even walking through a room of strangers. The reason you felt small and scared and tense is you were worried about social disapproval."

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Eight Tips on Giving Presentations Like a Pro

I am a professional speaker, and I get many chances as I travel around the country to see other people give presentations. When I see speakers give presentations, they’re always very well done and professional."

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