Real-Time Updates is a proven resource for instructors and students, already with 2 million pageviews.
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Real-Time Updates is a proven resource for instructors and students, already with 2 million pageviews.
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Read more"When you talk to an AI chatbot, who do you think writes those professional, peppy responses? There’s certainly an algorithm behind the scenes, but humans put together those phrases. Tech companies are creating teams of writers, including playwrights, poets, and novelists, to help write lines that don’t sound like they came from a machine. The work can range from creating a consistent character for a chatbot, to inspiring an immersive virtual reality."
Read the full article by Olivia Goldhill (photo, left) at qz.c...Job interviews are a stressful experience, but if you follow the vital steps described in this video, you’ll be more confident and more successful.
A student version of this video is also available.
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Read moreEvery business communicator encounters situations that require ethical decision making. How can you be sure that you are making the right choice whenever you face one of these challenges? By following this four-step approach, you can be more confident that you are making the best possible choices, even in the most difficult circumstances.
A student version of this video is available.
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Read more"Educator and entrepreneur Sebastian Thrun [photo, left] wants us to use AI to free humanity of repetitive work and unleash our creativity. In an inspiring, informative conversation with TED Curator Chris Anderson, Thrun discusses the progress of deep learning, why we shouldn't fear runaway AI and how society will be better off if dull, tedious work is done with the help of machines. . . ."
Watch the TED video . . .