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Conference Calls Are Terrible. This Startup Is Replacing Them with Holographic Meetings

"Spatial's AR app is enabling companies to have holographic meetings."

Read the full article . . .

The L in English – How to Get It Right! | Dark L | Light L

"Did you know that there are TWO L sounds in American English? And did you know that getting these L's  right is crucial for your clarity?"

Watch the video by Hadar Shemesh (photo, left) . . .

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Want to Sound More Native? Do This! Common Contractions in English Part 1: IS ARE AM

"If you really want to sound more natural and native in your spoken English you have to use contractions. I know it can seem counterintuitive, but contractions are essential in mastering the rhythm and flow of spoken English. In this lesson, part 1 in a 3-part series, we will practice contracting IS, ARE and AM. Stay tuned for the next 2 lessons in this series helping you to become aware of, and practice, the MOST common contractions in English."

Watch the video by Keenyn Rhodes . . .

English for Meetings: Decision-Making Meetings (2)

"In business, groups need to be able to come together to make good decisions. And with the right group of people who have the right information and the opportunity to discuss it, there’s a good chance that a decision is going to lead to success. There’s a lot riding on every decision-making meeting, and when that decision is made, it’s important that the team move forward together."

"Fortunately, there are skills and techniques that we can learn to make group decision-making work well. In today’s lesson, we’ll look at asking for dissenting opinions, agreeing with reservations, and asking for buy-in. We’ll also look at identifying action items and delegating responsibilities stemming from a decision."

Listen to the podcast . . .

American English Pronunciation | P vs B | Pronounce a Perfect P Sound!!

"In this American English pronunciation lesson you will learn the key to the Perfect P sound and how P is different from B."

Watch the video by Keenyn Rhodes . . .

How to Say ‘aw’ in a Word (Law vs. Low) | American English Pronunciation | Vowels

"Is there a difference between 'low' and 'law'? Learn how to pronounce 'aw' in words."

Watch the video by Hadar Shemesh (photo, left) . . .

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Handling a Crisis 4: Moving Forward

"This Business English Pod lesson is the final part in our series on handling a crisis. We’ll see how to start moving forward after the first phase of a crisis has passed."

Listen to the podcast . . .

We Added New Words to the Dictionary in April 2019

"More than 640 new words, from 'bioabsorbable' to 'bottle episode.'"

Read the full article . . .

10 TED Talks on AI and Machine Learning

"How will AI reshape your career? Your health? Your ability to tell real from fake video? Recent TED talks explore some fascinating AI questions."

Kevin Casey (photo, left) put together the 10 TED videos at The Enterprisers Project.

See the web page . . .
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